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3 words for a healthy 2016

As we enter the new year it’s a great time to think about our health goals for 2016. Setting an intention before setting off on an endeavour is a powerful way of keeping on track. Our health is the most important thing we have so making this top priority is essential to a healthy life. One of the things that has resonated for me is having 3 words to keep in mind. Having 3 simple words gives a focus for your goals and can act as an anchor to bring you back to your goals when you might come unstuck (Easter is only a few months away people :) ).

My 3 words are:

Commit: this means setting goals and sticking to them. Having a training plan and showing up every day.

Endure: trying to push through those extra reps and not slacking off.

Focus: Staying focussed on the goals and outcomes for the year.

Why don't you take a few minutes to have a think of what your goals are for 2016 when it comes to your health? Write these down and put them somewhere you can see them regularly. At work it may be on your monitor. You may want to put them up on the fridge. I have mine in my phone under notes so I can easily go back to them for inspiration.

Some ideas for goals could include:

- Rehab: getting injuries sorted by having regular soft tissue work and sticking at the rehab exercises

- Accept: accepting where you are at any point without judging yourself or criticising which can be detrimental to reaching goals.

- Prioritise: making your health a priority in your life. Work will always be there.​

Having goals really sets the intention for 2016 and means there is a higher likelihood that you will achieve everything you set your mind to.

To keep accountable and really stick at reaching your goals why not share with a friend? This way you can both encourage each other to keep on track.

We’d love to hear what your 3 words are for this year. Feel free to email us at or post them on our Facebook

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