Selective Functional Movement Assessment
Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a systematic assessment method that takes a client through global movements to find out where there may be movement dysfunctions, pain or limitations. We then break these movements down into more specific, isolated movements to really hone in on the problem. The dysfunction can either be a soft tissue issue, a joint issue or a motor control problem. Once this is established we can treat the dysfunction and reassess to see if what we have performed has had an impact.
The beauty of SFMA is that things practitioners may usually miss may be exposed using this assessment method.
Not all restrictions come from muscle tightness as the problem may be stemming from motor control. The body may be protecting the joint and not allowing the soft tissues to lengthen.
SFMA assesses:
- Neck range of motion: looking for limitations in flexion, extension and rotation. This can then be isolated to upper cervical or lower cervical limitations.
- Shoulder range of motion: like the apley scratch test, this assessment looks for whether the client can reach over and touch their opposite scapula and then reach under and behind to touch the bottom of the opposite scapula. This can asses limitations in external or internal rotation, extension or flexion of the humerus.
- Toe touch: this can assess the flexibility of the hamstrings or lower back.
- Extension: assesses how much spinal extension, hip extension and neck extension you have.
- Squat: assesses the depth of your squat and then if found to be dysfunctional we can find where in the squat your limitation lies.
- Single leg stance for balance: this test can show up any imbalances between your right and left legs, especially the hip stabilisers.
- Rotation: assesses how much rotation you have either way and the breaks it down into thoracic rotation, lumbar rotation, hip rotation or tibial rotation. So your limited rotation may actually be coming from your tibia and not your thoracic.
Garry Luke and Glenn Cox are trained in SFMA
Book in today for an assessment