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Have you used your Health Fund Rebates?

The year is rapidly coming to an end and with it your chance to use up you health fund rebates. A lot of people don't realise that they may have hundred of dollars sitting for them in there health fund waiting to be used. These are your rebates to use freely so you may as well use them as come January 1 2016 they reset and you will lose any outstanding rebates you had available.

The good news for all of those people whose health fund rebates ran out long ago is that they will begin again January 1 and you can claim a portion of your treatment back once again. Yay!

A lot of clients ask what is the best health fund to go with as far as rebates for Remedial Massage. The best at this stage is AHM as they give you a chunk of money to use that you are free to use on anything you want rather than giving you a certain amount back per extras modality like most health funds.

Most health funds reset at the beginning of the calendar year whereas a handful reset with the financial year (just to make it confusing). If your helth fund resets with the financial year then you will have to wait until July 1 2016 for it to reset.

If you have any questions regarding your health fund then best to contact them directly to find out when your's resets and also what benefits you are entitled to.

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