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Conversations that shape us.


This week I thought I would share a podcast series that I think is really inspiring. It is titled "Conversations That Shape Us" and is basically a conversation with an inspiring leader, generally in the non-profit or social change sector. These talks are aimed at sharing insights into what it is to be a leader. They are relevant for anyone who has a role that involves working in a team or having the responsibility of leading.

I feel this is relevant as part of our general health and well being, as we spend so much time at work that if our relationships are stressful with our team members then this will play on into our health creating effects such as stress and tension.

The podcast series is created by my wife's company - so it has to be great!

To listen to the podcast on your computer or device click here.

If you use Itunes to listen to podcasts then click here or go to your podcast app or section and search for "conversations that shape us" by leadership space.

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