3 words for a healthy 2016
As we enter the new year it’s a great time to think about our health goals for 2016. Setting an intention before setting off on an...

Can your body take the HIIT? We take a look at High Intensity Interval Training.
High intensity interval training or HIIT is all the rage at the moment. HIIT involves short training sessions that involve short burst of...

How often should you have treatment?
How often should I get a treatment? This is a question we get asked all the time and is a logical question when thinking about the nature...

7 ways you can improve your posture right now.
Your posture tells a lot about you. It reveals part of the story of your life that can't be hidden, it is on display for all to see. Your...

What's all the buzz about Active Release Techniques (A.R.T)?
Whats all the buzz about A.R.T? You may have never heard of it or maybe someone you know has mentioned it or has had great results from...